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One Tent, Two Life Changing Experiences

A Heaven’s Gates, Hell’s Flames Drama followed by a Youth Tent Crusade. Two weekends of life changing, eternal impact for your community.

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Heaven's Gates and Hell's Flames Drama

A live drama for the students and adults that presents the reality of Heaven and Hell through a series of real life choices and consequences. This event kicks off the Tent of Meeting.

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Youth Tent of Meeting Revival

This weekend of services, following the drama, reaches students through games, food, worship, Biblical teaching, response and prayer time!

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Impact outreach ministry
Setting Hearts on Fire!

Our Parent ministry in Alma, Impact is a collaborative Christian youth ministry in Mid-Michigan, we host periodic outreach and discipleship events all year round as a follow up to the Tent of Meeting Revivals.

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Why host a Tent Meeting?

If you are longing for a community wide opportunity to impact your Community for Jesus Christ, consider being a Host Church to facilitate a major spiritual awakening in your area. We have all the resources and tools necessary to make your event dynamic and successful.

Our Vision

Our vision is to reach the youth of our communities with the life giving message of Jesus and to equip them to be passionate pursuers of God. Our objective is to ignite a fire in the hearts of youth that will not only impact the local church but will have a profound effect upon our local communities…spurning a spiritual awakening. Awakening Youth who in turn awaken the local church and an entire community!

Next Steps...

If you are interested in knowing more about our mission and how you can become involved…please contact us. We would love to talk with you further about details and to answer all of your questions. We are here to serve the local church, to empower communities to effectively reach people for Christ and to raise up a network of local support to bring about a spiritual awakening to your church and community.

2023 Tent Meeting Highlights

Partner Ministries

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Impact Outreach Ministry


Impact Africa